Everything is in the shell
The size of the TipTapTop was a real issue: it has to be easily attached to the tap and be as small as possible.
The components in green provide energy, the other ones draw it.
A water drop as shape
As this device is made for kids, it has to arouse their curiosity: TipTapTop’s shape as a water droplet is designed to appeal to children. The shell also has a practical function: it holds and houses all the components.
This 5 parts shell was 3D printed in ABS. The water drop shape amplifies the sound emitted by the inner speaker connected to the sound card: it is very useful in public places, such as a school.
Attaching it is a child's play
TipTapTop is easy to set up: a standard part, present on most taps, is used to attach the device.
You only need to screw it to install it & unscrew it to get it back.
If you've got a non-standard tap, adapters can easily found to connect TipTapTop to the tap.
A glossy shine
The shell is covered by a polyester resin layer, itself painted and varnished to give a glossy shine. It makes TipTapTop even more attractive !